Well I guess this is the first official post of this blog, and trust me, I'm more shocked than anyone with the content.
This blog is going to go in lots of different directions, so hopefully you'll like one of my personalities and you'll hang on and enjoy the ride.
So, let me let you in on a secret about myself that all of my closest friends know. I despise history. I just don't get into it. I know it's sad but I'm more of a grammar whore than a history nut. I am the girl who got a 4 year college degree and never took a history class, and history is the last crown I try for in Trivia Crack. (right behind geography, but that's another story)
So, all of that being said, nothing surprised me more than the fact that an advertisement for Sons of Liberty caught my eye. Even more surprising? I DVRed and watched 4 hours of that last night. Popcorn and pineapple vodka in hand, I settled down and I was enthralled.
During this trance-like viewing party I think I fell in love with Sam Adams. **swoon** Ladies, this man made me interested in history. It's an admirable accomplishment. Do yourself a favor and check it out. Then you can send emails signed like this one.....
But, here's my honest review of Sons of Liberty so far (keep in mind night 3 will air tonight)....it kept a great pace. I didn't have to hone in on every detail, which is good since my kids are constantly derailing my attention, but it's not so slow that I lose interest. The acting is pretty great in my opinion with the award going to John Hancock. This character is both likable and so awkward it almost hurts but in a really endearing way. However, I think the entire cast did a great job.
For those of you with children, there are a few scenes that are pretty graphically gross that I wouldn't want my kids to see. There are a few sexual scenes but not graphic and I could easily pause before they saw anything and fast forward or send them on an errand in another room. (I'm sneaky like that)
I have a few guy friends who watched and they all gave it rave reviews, so our recommendation is that it's worth watching. It honestly gave me a way different look on the Revolutionary War than my boring history books gave me. I may even (gasp!) be tempted to delve further. We shall see.
Oh, and Ben Barnes...
You're welcome.
So, if you're new here, please leave a comment!! I'm working on getting the blog all styled up and pretty as well as giving an introductory "hey y'all" post. I will also be launching Instagram for the blog and some other exciting things, so please say hi and leave a link where I can return the favor.
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